Spring is a time of renewal and rejuvenation, as flowers break through the winter’s frost and buds open up to the world. It’s also an important time for seniors because it means warmer weather, increased activity in their day-to-day lives, and an opportunity to try something new. Why not consider spring activities and events that are perfect for seniors in assisted living apartments?

1.) Indoor Gardening

Gardening is a great way for seniors to enjoy the indoors and provide some physical activity. Whether you have your garden or a community garden, it can be a rewarding experience that gives you fresh produce while getting you outside and moving around.

2.) Painting Classes

If you’re all about painting the town red or purple, take some painting classes with your assisted living residence. Whether it’s beginner painting classes or something more advanced, it can be an enjoyable activity for all involved. Plus there is always the added benefit of art therapy!

3.) Walking Around the Neighborhood

Spring is a great time to get outside and enjoy the fresh air. It’s easy to find a walking partner in your assisted living apartment community and make it a regular activity that goes with you as you explore your neighborhood.

4.) Art Gallery Visits

Art galleries are an excellent way for seniors to enjoy the outside and get creative at the same time. It’s also a wonderful way for you and your elderly loved one to see something in a different light or learn something new.

5.) Doing Some Spring Cleaning

Spring cleaning is a spring tradition that’s great for seniors in assisted living apartments. Plus, it provides an opportunity to clean out old items and donate them to a home selling charity or organization. It is a great way to utilize your free time and get rid of clutter while you enjoy the outdoors.

6.) Assembling Furniture

Spring is a great time for seniors to assemble furniture pieces, as well. Not only is it an enjoyable activity because of the interaction with your loved one, but it’s also useful for the seniors in assisted living apartments. By assembling furniture pieces, he or she can enhance his or her set-up by having greater flexibility in where you can place it.

7.) Dancing

One of the best spring activities for seniors in assisted living apartments is dancing. Whether they are enjoying a salsa dance class or dancing around the apartment to the latest pop music, it’s a fun activity that has many benefits for your loved one. Dancing helps seniors to maintain balance, tone, and coordination, while it’s also a great way to get moving around the apartment.

8.) Field Trips

Field trips are perfect for seniors in assisted living apartments because it provides them with an opportunity to have a new and fresh experience. Whether it’s seeing a local museum or visiting a local farmer’s market, exploring the outdoors is just as enjoyable for seniors as it is for children.

A senior couple out shopping at a farmer's market

9.) Local Shopping

Another great activity for seniors in assisted living apartments is shopping. Whether it’s visiting a local boutique or taking a stroll through the local mall, it provides an opportunity for seniors to get out and about and see something new. Plus, it gives them the ability to look at fashion trends and try on new clothing items.

10.) Games

Games are another great spring activity for seniors in assisted living apartments. Whether you’re a casual gamer or love to play more competitively, it’s a fun activity that provides an opportunity to get social with others while having some downtime. Games like bridge, poker, or chess can be played with your family or other residents in your assisted living apartment.

11.) Organize Family Gatherings

Another spring activity for seniors in assisted living apartments is to organize family gatherings. Having a get-together with the grandchildren or other members of the family is a great way for seniors to have fun and spend time with their loved ones.

12.) Community Events

Community events are an excellent way to enjoy the outdoors and get to know your local community. Whether you attend an outdoor cooking class or take a day trip to the beach, it’s a fun activity that provides many benefits for seniors in assisted living apartments.

13.) Church Services

Going to church is another fun activity for seniors to enjoy in assisted living apartments. Whether it’s an indoor service or outdoor, it’s a great opportunity for seniors to get out and about and enjoy their surrounding environment. Plus, many seniors look forward to the religious services and meetings.

14.) Swimming

Swimming is an excellent activity for seniors in assisted living apartments. Not only can it be a great way to stay fit, but it provides plenty of exercises and moves around in the process. Seniors can swim in a local beach, lake, or even their own apartment pool.

15.) Music Therapy

Music is a wonderful thing for seniors to enjoy. Whether you sing in the shower or love to travel to the opera, music is a great way for seniors with assisted living apartments to enjoy all the benefits of music.

16.) Outdoor Cooking Classes

Outdoor cooking classes are a great way for seniors to enjoy the outdoors and get creative in the process. In addition, it is a wonderful way for your loved one to get out and about and socialize with others in their community.

17.) Horseback Riding

Horseback riding is another great spring activity for seniors in assisted living apartments. Whether they are enjoying the outdoors or learning to ride a horse, it can be a lot of fun and a great way to stay active outside.

18.) Pet Therapy

Pets aren’t just for kids, as seniors in assisted living apartments love spending time with their pets. Whether it’s playing with a dog at the park or having fine dining with the family cat, seniors enjoy having their pets around for many reasons.


Spring is a great time for seniors to get outside, enjoy the fresh air, and explore new activities. Consider having your seniors in assisted living apartments try out some of the activities on this list to provide them with a great way to get moving and explore their surroundings. Also, be sure to check our resident activity calendar for more opportunities to get out and about!